@article{oai:cuc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002207, author = {戸村, 幸一 and トムラ, コウイチ and TOMURA, Koichi}, issue = {3}, journal = {千葉商大紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), 現代日本語の,ここ数十年にわたる史的変移を探る,これが本稿の目的である。世代間のコトバの違いに対し,旧世代は新世代のコトバを「乱れ」と片づけてしまいがちだ。だが,乱れとは,消えてゆく,あるいは消えてゆかざるをえないコトバと,生まれてくる,あるいは生まれてこざるをえないコトバとのせめぎ合いである。乱れ,と言うよりは,それは,史的必然性をもった変移である。発音,語彙,語義,語法,表記などあらゆる範躊での変移の様子を探ってみる。, The purpose of this paper is to describe changes in present-day Japanese: what have disappeared and what have newly appeared. I examine some features in its changing aspects: phonetics, vocabulary, semantics, syntactics and writing. It is certain that the postwar social conditions and IT revolution have made a tremendous impact on the history of our mother tongue. However, language continues to transform itself, always, day by day. In Japanese, we can find a number of variations according to the age of speakers. The results show that the history of language is alternation of generations.}, pages = {13--32}, title = {コトバの変移(2) : 現代日本語管見}, volume = {45}, year = {2007} }