@article{oai:cuc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002111, author = {相良, 陽一郎 and 相良, 麻里 and サガラ, ヨウイチロウ and サガラ, マリ and SAGARA, Yoichiro and SAGARA, Mari}, issue = {4}, journal = {千葉商大紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 本研究では,青年期前および青年期全般における自己愛と攻撃性の関係について横断的に検討するため,572名の小学生・中学生・高校生・大学生を対象に,NPI-SとBAQにより自己愛傾向と攻撃性を測定し,下位尺度を含めた両尺度間の相関を年齢群ごとに検討した。その結果,自己愛が高いと攻撃性も高くなるという,先行研究と一致した結果が得られたほか,これまであまり検討されていない発達的な側面についての知見も得ることができた。しかし新たな問題も見出されたため,今後検討すべき課題についても指摘した。, The aim of the present study was to investigate the developmental changes in the relations between narcissism and aggression of pre-adolescence and adolescence. Measuring narcissistic tendency (NPI-S) and aggressive tendency (BAQ) of 572 participants who were elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and undergraduate students, the correlations among scales and subscales were examined for each participant group. The results showed significant positive correlations between narcissism and aggression, which replicated major results of other former studies, but there were some novel findings in developmental changes which demanded further exploration.}, pages = {37--59}, title = {自己愛と攻撃性の関係について}, volume = {43}, year = {2006} }