@article{oai:cuc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002037, author = {ヤマザキ, サトシ and YAMAZAKI, Satoshi}, issue = {4}, journal = {千葉商大紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), This paper tries to understand the patterns of use of foregrounded hybrid gerunds in the deleft construction based on data obtained from the Bank of English corpus and with Google Search. It is found that verbs entering into negative hybrid gerunds are almost limited to know, that is, the pattern of it's the not knowing that.... The expression is usually used as it is without complements of knowing, probably being a semi-fixed expression. It is then pointed out that the intransitive use is strongly preferred in foregrounded hybrid gerunds in general, and the reason for this, together with the reason for the rarity of negative hybrid gerunds is explored. It is also shown that the pattern of use of hybrid gerunds in it-clefts is quite different from that of the corresponding verbal gerunds.}, pages = {69--89}, title = {The Patterns of Use of Foregrounded Hybrid Gerunds in the It-Cleft Construction}, volume = {42}, year = {2005} }