@article{oai:cuc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001980, author = {オヤノ, ジュン and OYANO, Jun}, issue = {2}, journal = {千葉商大紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {P(論文), We propose an idea of the use of temporal logic formula for the investigation of the World Wide Web(WWW). Semantic Web is known as a next generation web technology, and constructed over RDF formula. The semantics of RDF is given by Knowledge Interchange Format which expressive power is equal to the First Order Logic (FOL). Because the expressive power of the general FOL is not enough for describing temporal properties, we extend the FOL to FO^2 or to other useful temporal logics using the Kripke Structure extracted from RDF documents. The maximum advantage of our method is to provide the means for queries of database system using rich, powerful temporal operators, and also give guarantees of correctness of a system if the system passed examinations imposed by model checking about temporal properties of systems.}, pages = {97--108}, title = {Applying Model Checking Techniques to Temporal Queries over WorldWideWeb}, volume = {42}, year = {2004} }